How Fish Days Work
Every spring and fall, we haul truckloads of fish to businesses in Missouri and surrounding states on what is called a "fish day." For the Fish Day, customers will pre-order with a designated store/location and pick up the fish on the scheduled dates advertised ahead of time.
The dates and times are scheduled ahead of time with that store.
These orders are to be placed with the store in which you plan to pick up your fish.
We recommend placing your order with that store at least two days in advance. That store will collect the money for the fish, be sure to ask if payment is required at the time of placing your order or at pick up.
On the day of pick up, be sure to bring your own containers and water (pond water or well water).
There is no such thing as too much water! Too much is always better than not enough.
Trash cans, 55 gallon barrels, water tanks, etc. work best for hauling fish.
Aerators are not mandatory, but some type of aeration is good to help keep fish alive longer.
How much water do I need?
Gallons of water per 100 fish for 20 minutes of oxygen
4-6" catfish- 10 gal
6-8" catfish- 20 gal
8-10" catfish- 40 gal
Bluegill- 10 gal
Hybrid bluegill- 10 gal
Crappie- 10 gal
Bass- 10 gal
Redear- 10 gal
1 lb fatheads/shiners- 5 gal
EXAMPLE: If you are purchasing 5lbs of Fathead Minnows and 100 Bluegill and have a 40 minute drive from the pick up location to the your lake, you will need 70 gallon of water for hauling your fish without aeration.
What should I order for my pond?
Stocking rates will vary based on many factors, getting the known history and desired goals of your pond/lake will help us get the correct recommendation to you.
Please see our information tab or give us a call and one of our team members would be happy to assist you!
At the store, you will find our team member/s and truck in the parking lot and they will collect your store receipt, and you will receive your fish.
Check out our schedule!

For information about how to haul your fish and stocking rates, please call NEMO Bait and Fisheries @573-565-3271. Remember, when hauling your fish, buckets and pond or well water is required. Tap water contains harmful chemicals that will kill fish. Trash cans or coolers are ideal for hauling fish and aeration is preferred, but not required. When hauling fish, you can never have too much water; the more, the better. When purchasing fish off of any fish truck, it is important to accommodate for the size of the fish that you are getting. We grade(size) our fish differently, depending on the situation. When seining a pond, the size of fish caught tends to vary drastically. We do our best to keep the size of our fish the same for every stop on our schedule. However, Mother Nature is not always on our side.